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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <style> .myClass { color: white; background-color: DodgerBlue; padding: 20px; text-align: center; margin: 10px; } </style> <h1>The template Element</h1> <p>This example fills the web page with one new div element for each item in an array.</p> <p>The HTML code of each div element is inside the template element.</p> <p>Click the button below to display the hidden content from the template element.</p> <button onclick="showContent()">Show hidden content</button> <template> <div class="myClass">I like: </div> </template> <script> let myArr = ["Audi", "BMW", "Ford", "Honda", "Jaguar", "Nissan"]; function showContent() { let temp, item, a, i; temp = document.getElementsByTagName("template")[0]; //get the div element from the template: item = temp.content.querySelector("div"); //for each item in the array: for (i = 0; i < myArr.length; i++) { //Create a new node, based on the template: a = document.importNode(item, true); //Add data from the array: a.textContent += myArr[i]; //append the new node wherever you like: document.body.appendChild(a); } } </script> </body> </html>