//Appml 2.0.32 - Created by Jan Egil Refsnes for W3Schools. Please don't remove this line.
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",time()+(-1*60))." GMT");
header("Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
//if ($txtRequest=="") {exit();}
$cc = app_loadTextFromFile("appml_config.php");
$cc = substr($cc, strpos($cc,"{"));
$modConfig = app_decodeJSON($cc, false);
if ($modDateFormat == "") {$modDateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD";}
$requestObj = app_decodeJSON($txtRequest, false);
$txt=app_getProperty($requestObj, "login");
if ($txt != "") {
  $userName=app_getProperty($txt, "f1");
  if ($userName == "appmluser") {
    echo "{";
    echo "\"appmluser\" : \"".app_getSession("appmluser")."\"";
    echo "}";
  $pwd=app_getProperty($txt, "f2");
  if ($userAccess != "") {$nn=app_setSession($userName,$userAccess); $loginmessage="OK";}
  echo "{";
  echo "\"loginmessage\" : \"".$loginmessage."\"";
  echo "}";
//$txtAppModel=app_getProperty($requestObj, "appmodel");
$txtAppModel = $_GET["model"];
if ($txtAppModel == "") {app_error("APPML_ERR_MODEL_REQ");}
if ($action == "") {$action="GET";/*app_error("APPML_ERR_ACTION_REQ");*/}
$modelString = app_loadTextFromFile($txtAppModel);
if ($modelString == "") {app_error("APPML_ERR_MODEL_REQ: ".$txtAppModel);}
$txtModel = app_decodeJSON($modelString, false);
if ($txtModel == "") {app_error("APPML_ERR_MODEL_ERR: ".$txtAppModel);}
$txt=app_getProperty($txtModel, "dateformat");
if ($txt != "") {$modDateFormat=$txt;}
$security=app_getProperty($txtModel, "security");
if ($cc == "NOTLOGGEDIN") {app_error("APPML_ERR_NO_LOGIN");}
if ($cc != "OK") {app_error("APPML_ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED");}
$modDatabase=app_getProperty($txtModel, "database");
if ($modDatabase != "") {
  $dbConnection=app_getDbConnection(app_getProperty($modDatabase, "connection"),$modConfig->databases);
  $mainTable=app_getProperty($modDatabase, "maintable");
  $sql=app_getProperty($modDatabase, "sql");
  $keyField=app_getProperty($modDatabase, "keyfield");
  if ($keyField!="") {
    $keyType=app_getProperty($modDatabase, "keytype");
    if ($keyType=="") {$keyType="number";}
    if ($keyValue == "") {$keyValue = "NULL";}
  $items=app_getProperty($modDatabase, "execute");
else {
  $modData=app_getProperty($txtModel, "data");
  if ($modData != "") {
    $dataSource=app_getProperty($modData, "type");
  if ($dataSource != "") {
    $filePath=app_getProperty($modData, "filename");
    $fPath=app_getProperty($modData, "record");
    $arr=app_getProperty($modData, "items");
    for ($i=0; $i<$fCount; $i++) {
      $fName[$i]=app_getProperty($arr[$i], "name");
      $fType[$i]=app_getProperty($arr[$i], "type");
      if ($fType[$i] == "") {$fType[$i]="text";}
      $fNodeName[$i]=app_getProperty($arr[$i], "nodename");
      $fNo[$i]=app_getProperty($arr[$i], "index");
if ($dataSource == "") {app_error("APPML_ERR_DATASOURCE_REQ");}
if ($action == "GET") {
  if ($displayType == "") {$displayType="list";}
  if ($txt == 0 || $txt != "") {$totalCounter=intval($txt);}
  $txt=app_getProperty($requestObj, "rowsperpage");
  if ($txt != "") {
  } else {
    $txt=app_getProperty($txtModel, "rowsperpage");
    if ($txt != "") { $maxLines=intval($txt); }
  $txt=app_getProperty($requestObj, "fromrec");
  if ($txt != "") {$recPos=intval($txt);}
  $requestQuery=app_getProperty($requestObj, "filters");
  if ($displayType == "form") {$maxLines=1;}
  if ($dataSource == "database") {
    if ($sql != "") {
  if ($dataSource == "xmlfile" || $dataSource == "csvfile" || $dataSource == "jsonfile") {
    if ($dataSource == "jsonfile") {
      try {
        $cc=json_decode(file_get_contents($filePath), true);
      catch (Exception $e) {
        app_error("APPML_ERR_ERROR: ".$e);
      $arr = $cc[$fPath];
      $totalCounter = count($arr);
    else if ($dataSource == "csvfile") {
      try {
        foreach ($lines as $value) {
          $arr[$i] = $value;
      catch (Exception $e) {
        app_error("APPML_ERR_ERROR: ".$e);
    else {
      $arr=app_getElementArray($xmldoc, $fPath);
    if ($totalCounter<$toRec) {$toRec=$totalCounter;}
  if ($recPos=="-1") {
    if ($keyValue != "") {
    for ($i=$fromRec; $i<=$toRec; $i++) {
      for ($j=0; $j<$fCount; $j++) {
        if ($dataSource == "csvfile") {
          for ($k=1; $k<=$fNo[$j] + 1; $k++) {
            $startpos=$pos[$k] + 1;
          if ($fNo[$j] == 1) {
          else {
          if ($thispos < 1) {
          else {$cc=substr($arr[$i],$lastpos,$thispos-$lastpos-1);
        } else if ($dataSource == "jsonfile") {
        } else {
          $cc=app_getElementValue($arr[$i], $fNodeName[$j]);
      $dataOut.=app_getRecordAsJSON($fName, $fType, $fValue, $fCount);
    if ($i<$toRec) {$dataOut.=",";}    
  $cc=", \"recPos\" : ".$fromRec;
  $cc.=", \"fromRec\" : ".$fromRec;
  $cc.=", \"toRec\" : ".$toRec;
  $cc.=", \"totalRecCounter\" : ".$totalCounter;
  $cc.=", \"records\" : [".$dataOut."]";
  echo "{";
  echo "\"user\" : 0";
  echo $dataOut;
  echo ", \"dateFormat\" : \"".$modDateFormat."\"";
  if ($keyField!="") {echo ", \"keyField\" : \"".$keyField."\"";}
  $cc = strpos($modelString, "{");
  if ($cc !== false) {
    $modelString = substr_replace($modelString, "", $cc, strlen("}"));
  $modelString = strrev(implode(strrev(""), explode("}", strrev($modelString), 2)));
  echo ", ".$modelString;
  echo "}";
if ($action != "UPDATE" and $action != "ADD" and $action != "DELETE") {app_error("APPML_ERR_ILLEGAL_ACTION: ".$action);}
$updItem=app_getProperty($txtModel, "updateItems");
if ($updItem == "") {app_error("APPML_ERR_ILLEGAL_ACTION: ".$action);}
if (getUserAccess($security) <> "OK") {app_error("APPML_ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED");}    
if ($action == "DELETE") {
  if (strtoupper(app_getProperty($txtModel, "delete")) == "FALSE") {app_error("APPML_ERR_ILLEGAL_ACTION: "."DELETE");}
  echo "{";
  echo "\"updatemessage\" : \"".$x." APPML_MESSAGE_RECORD_DELETED\"";
  echo "}";
if ($action == "ADD") {
  if (strtoupper(app_getProperty($txtModel, "addnew")) == "FALSE") {app_error("APPML_ERR_ILLEGAL_ACTION: "."INSERT");}
$txt=app_getProperty($requestObj, "record");
if ($txt != "") {
  $names=app_getProperty($txt, "items");
  $values=app_getProperty($txt, "values");
  //$types=app_getProperty($txt, "items");
for ($j=0; $j<$fieldCounter; $j++) {
  if (strtolower($names[$j]) != strtolower(app_getProperty($updItem[$j], "item"))) {app_error("APPML_ERR_DATAMODEL");}
  if (trim($values[$j]) == "") {
    $values[$j]="";  // DBNULL
  //else {
    //if ($types[$j]="number") {
    //  $decsep=app_getSysDecSep();
    //  $values[$j]=str_replace(",",$decsep,$values[$j]);
    //  $values[$j]=str_replace(".",$decsep,$values[$j]);
/*for ($i=1; $i<=$ctrlItemCounter; $i++) {
  for ($j=0; $j<$fieldCounter; $j++) {
    if ($names[$j] == $ctrlItemName[$i]) {
      if ($ctrlItemMin[$i] != "") {
        if (is_numeric($x)) {$x=intval($x);}
        if (is_numeric($y)) {$y=intval($y);}
        if (app_isDate($x)) {$x=app_cDate($x);}
        if (app_isDate(app_reformatDate($y,$modDateFormat))) {$y=app_cDate(app_reformatDate($y,$modDateFormat));}
        if ($x < $y) {app_error("APPML_ERR_INPUT_MIN: ".$names[$j].",".$ctrlItemMin[$i]);}
      if ($ctrlItemMax[$i] != "") {
        if (is_numeric($x)) {$x=intval($x);}
        if (is_numeric($y)) {$y=intval($y);}
        if (app_isDate($x)) {$x=app_cDate($x);}
        if (app_isDate(app_reformatDate($y,$modDateFormat))) {$y=app_cDate(app_reformatDate($y,$modDateFormat));}
        if ($x > $y) {app_error("APPML_ERR_INPUT_MAX: ".$names[$j].",".$ctrlItemMax[$i]);}
      if ($ctrlItemRequired[$i] == 1) {
        if ($x == "") {app_error("APPML_ERR_INPUT_REQUIRED: ".$names[$j]);}
if ($action == "ADD") {
  echo "{";
  echo "\"updatemessage\" : \"1 APPML_MESSAGE_RECORD_ADDED\", ";
  echo "\"updateID\" : ".$nn;
  echo "}";
//  echo $nn;
$sql="SELECT ";
for ($i=0; $i<$fieldCounter; $i++) {
  if ($i > 0) {$sql.=",";}
$sql.=" from ".add_brackets($mainTable)." WHERE ".add_brackets($mainTable).".".add_brackets($keyField)."=@0;";
$dbRecordset=app_dbRead($dbConnection, $sql, $paramCount, $params);
while ($x = $dbRecordset->fetch_field()) {
  for ($j=0;$j<$fieldCounter;$j++) {
      if (strtoupper($x->name)==strtoupper($names[$j])) {
        $fieldvalue=app_getDBfield($row, $names[$j], $fieldtype); 
        if ($fieldvalue != $values[$j]) {
echo "{";
echo "\"updatemessage\" : \"".$nn." APPML_MESSAGE_RECORD_UPDATED\"";
echo "}";
function app_setToPosition($from,$lines) {
$to=$from + $lines-1;
if ($lines == 0) {$to=$lines;}
return $to;

function app_getRecordAsJSON($fieldName, $fieldType, $fieldValue, $numb) {
for ($i=0; $i<$numb; $i++) {
  for ($j=0; $j<strlen($val); $j++) {
    if ($c == "<") {$c="#1001;";}
    if ($c == ">") {$c="#1002;";}
    if ($c == "&") {$c="#1003;";}
  $x.="\"".$fieldName[$i]."\" : \"".$n."\"";
  if ($i<$numb-1) $x.=",";
return $x;

function appml_GetQueryWhere($txtParam,$filter,$requestFilter,&$paramCount,&$params) {
if ($txt != "") {
    for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++) {
      $legalQueryField[$i]=app_getProperty($txt [$i], "item");
      $legalQueryFieldType[$i]=app_getProperty($txt [$i], "type");
if ($requestFilter) {$arr=$requestFilter->queryFields; }
for ($j=0; $j<$l; $j++) {    
  for ($i=0; $i<$ll; $i++) {
  for ($i=0; $i<$legalQueryFieldcount; $i++) {
    if (strtolower($qname) == strtolower($legalQueryField[$i])) {
  if ($queryOK == 0) {app_error("APPML_ERR_ILLEGAL_QUERY: ".$qname);}
  for ($i=0; $i<$qvaluecount; $i++) {
    if ($qvalue[$i] == "&nbsp;") {$qvalue[$i]=" ";}
    if ($qlabel == "") {$qlabel=$qname;}
    if ($qoper == "") {$qoper="=";}
    if ($qoper == "0") {$qoper="=";}
    if ($qoper == "1") {$qoper="<>";}
    if ($qoper == "2") {$qoper="<";}
    if ($qoper == "3") {$qoper=">";}
    if ($qoper == "4") {$qoper="<=";}
    if ($qoper == "5") {$qoper=">=";}
    if ($qoper == "6") {$qoper="%";}
    if ($qoper == "10") {$qoper="==";}
    if ($qoper == "11") {$qoper="!=";}
    if ($qvalue[$i] != "") {
      if ($where == "") {$where=" (";}
      else {
        if ($i == 0) {$where.=" AND (";}
        else {
          if ($qoper == "=" || $qoper == "==" || $qoper == "%") {
            $where.=" OR ";
          else {$where.=" AND ";}
      if ($qtype == "number" || $qtype == "date") {
        if ($qOK == 1) {
          if ($xqoper == "==") {$xqoper="=";}
          if ($xqoper == "!=") {$xqoper="<>";}
        else {$where.=" (".add_brackets($qname).">0 AND ".add_brackets($qname)."<0)";}
      else {
        if ($qvalue[$i] == " ") {
          if ($qoper == "=" || $qoper == "==") {$where.="(".add_brackets($qname)."='')";}
          if ($qoper == "<>" || $qoper == "!=") {$where.="(".add_brackets($qname)."<>'')";}
          if ($qoper == "<" || $qoper == ">" || $qoper == "<=" || $qoper == ">=") {
          if ($qoper == "%") {$where.="(".add_brackets($qname)." LIKE '% %')";}
        else {
          if ($qoper == "=") {
              $where.="(".add_brackets($qname)." LIKE @".(string)$paramCount.")";
          if ($qoper == "==") {
              $where.="(".add_brackets($qname)." =  @".(string)$paramCount.")";
          if ($qoper == "<" || $qoper == ">") {
              $where.="(".add_brackets($qname).$qoper." @".(string)$paramCount.")";
          if ($qoper == "<>") {
              $where.="(".add_brackets($qname).$qoper."@".(string)$paramCount." AND ".add_brackets($qname)." NOT LIKE @".(string)($paramCount+1).")";
          if ($qoper == "!=") {
              $where.="(".add_brackets($qname)."<> @".(string)$paramCount.")";
          if ($qoper == "<=" || $qoper == ">=") {
              $where.="(".add_brackets($qname).$qoper." @".(string)$paramCount." OR ".add_brackets($qname)." LIKE @".(string)($paramCount+1).")";
          if ($qoper == "%") {
              $where.="(".add_brackets($qname)." LIKE @".(string)$paramCount.")";
    if ($i == ($qvaluecount-1)) {$where.=")";}
return $where;

function appml_GetOrderby($txtOrderby,$txtsortitems,$requestFilter) {
if ($txt != "") {
    for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++) {
      $legalOrderbyField[$i]=app_getProperty($txt[$i], "item");
if ($requestFilter) {$arr=$requestFilter->orderBys; }
for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++) {
for ($i=0; $i<$l; $i++) {
  if ($osfield[$i] != "") {
    for ($j=0; $j<$legalOrderbyFieldcount; $j++) {
      if (trim($osfield[$i]) == trim($legalOrderbyField[$j])) {
    if ($orderbyOK == 1) {
      if ($orderselect != "") {$orderselect.=",";}
      $orderselect.=" ".$osfield[$i]." ".$osdir[$i];
if ($orderselect != "" && $orderby != "") {
  $orderby=$orderselect.", ".$orderby;
else {
  if ($orderselect != "" && $orderby == "") {
if ($orderby == "") {
if ($orderby != "") {
  $orderby=" ORDER BY ".$orderby;
return $orderby;

function add_brackets($txt) {return $txt;}

function app_formatDate($txt, $appformat) {
if (app_nullTest($txt)) {
  return "";
if (trim($txt) == "") {
  return "";
if (strlen($m) < 2) {$m="0".$m;}
if (strlen($d) < 2) {$d="0".$d;}
if (strlen($h) < 2) {$h="0".$h;}
if (strlen($n) < 2) {$n="0".$n;}
if (strlen($s) < 2) {$s="0".$s;}
return $t;

function app_getSQLDateFormat() {
return "yyyy-mm-dd";

function getUserAccess($security) {
    $ret = "";
    $userAccess = "";
    if (app_nullTest($security)) {
        $sec = "";
    } else {
        $sec = strtoupper($security);
    if ($sec == "") {
        $ret = "OK";
    } else {
        $sec = trim($sec);
        $userAccess = app_getSession("appmlaccess");
      if ($userAccess == "") {
          return "NOTLOGGEDIN";
      } else {
          $ARR = explode(",", $userAccess);
          foreach ($ARR as $x) {
              $z = trim(strtoupper($x));
              if ($sec == $z) {
                  return "OK";
    return $ret;

function app_error($errtxt) {
echo "{\"error\" : \"".$errtxt."\"}";

function app_reformatDate($txt,$dtype) {
if ($txt != "") {
return $ret;

function remove_quotes($ttt) {
if (app_nullTest($ttt)) {return "";}
for ($i=1; $i<=strlen($ttt); $i++) {
  if ($c == "'") {$c="''";}
return $out;

function app_getElementValue($element, $id) {
if ($ipos1 > 0) {
  if ($ipos2 > 0 && $ipos3 > $ipos1) {
    $res=trim(substr($element,$ipos1 + $ipos2-1,$ipos3-$ipos2-$ipos1));
return $res;

function app_getElement($element, $id) {
if ($ipos1 > 0) {
  if ($ipos3 > $ipos1) {
    $res=substr($element,$ipos1-1,$ipos3-$ipos1 + strlen($id) + 3);
  else {
    if ($ipos3 > 0) {
      $res=substr($element,$ipos1-1,$ipos3 + 1);
return $res;

function app_getAttribute($element, $attribute) {
$ipos=_instr(0,$txt," ".$attribute."=".chr($tst),0);
if ($ipos == 0) {
  $ipos=_instr(0,$txt," ".$attribute."=".chr($tst),0);
if ($ipos != 0) {
  $txt=substr($txt,$ipos + strlen($attribute) + 2);
  if ($ipos > 1) {
return $res;

function app_getElementArray($element, $id) {
for ($i=1; $i<=10000; $i++) {
  if ($ipos1 > 0 && $ipos3 > $ipos1) {
    $x[$l]=substr($xelement,$ipos1-1,$ipos3-$ipos1 + strlen($id) + 3);
    $xelement=substr($xelement,$ipos3 + strlen($id) + 2);
  else {
return $x;

function app_arrayLength($arr) {
    if (is_array($arr)) {
        return count($arr);
    return 0;

function app_getSysDecSep() {
$decsep=1 / 2;
return $decsep;

function app_readRequest() {
$file=fopen("php://input","r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
while (!feof($file))  {$tmp=$tmp.fgetc($file);}
return $tmp;

function app_loadTextFromFile($fname) {
if (_instr(0,$fname,".",0) > 0) {$ext="";}
if (!file_exists($fname.$ext)) {app_error("No such file or directory: $fname.$ext"); }
return file_get_contents($fname.$ext);
foreach ($lines as $value) {
  if (!$tmp)
    {$tmp = $value;}
return $tmp;*/

function app_nullTest($x) {
if (!isset($x)) {$cc=true;}
else {
  if (empty($x)) {$cc=true;}
return $cc;

function app_setSession($nam, $acc) {
return 0;

function app_getSession($nam) {
    if (isset($_SESSION[$nam])) {
      return $_SESSION[$nam];
    return "";

function app_getUserAccess($userName,$pwd,$modConfig) {
  $userAccess = "";
    if ($userName == "" || $pwd == "") {return $userAccess;}
    if (isset($modConfig->users)) {
      $userArr = $modConfig->users;
      $ll = count($userArr);
      for ($ii = 0; $ii < $ll; $ii++) {
          if ($userArr[$ii]->username == $userName && $userArr[$ii]->password == $pwd) {
              $arr = $userArr[$ii]->roles;
              $lll = count($arr);
              $userAccess = "";
              for ($iii = 0; $iii < $lll; $iii++) {
                  if ($userAccess != "") {$userAccess.=",";}
                  $userAccess .= $arr[$iii];
    } else {
      if (isset($modConfig->securitydb)) {
        $database = $modConfig->securitydb;
        if ($database != "") {
            //$sql="SELECT AppmlRoles.Name FROM ((AppmlUserRoles";
            //$sql.= " LEFT JOIN AppmlUsers ON AppmlUserRoles.UserID=AppmlUsers.UserID)";
            //$sql.=" LEFT JOIN AppmlRoles ON AppmlUserRoles.RoleID=AppmlRoles.RoleID)";
            //$sql.=" WHERE AppmlUsers.Email=@0 AND AppmlUsers.Pass=@1;";
        $sql = $database->sql;
            $dbConnection=app_getDbConnection("", $database);
            if ($totalCounter==0) {app_error("APPML_ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED");}
            while ($nn < $totalCounter) {
                if ($userAccess != "") {$userAccess.=",";}
            }           $dbRecordset->close();
    return $userAccess;

function app_dbRead($conn,$sql,$count,$p) {
if ($count>0) {
    for ($j=1;$j<=$count;$j++) {
    call_user_func_array(array($stmt,'bind_param'), $xarr);
if (!$stmt->execute()) {app_error($conn->error);}
if (!$dbRecordset = $stmt->get_result()) {app_error($conn->error);}
return $dbRecordset;

function app_executeSQL($conn,$sql) {
for ($i=0; $i<$xcount; $i++) {
    //$sql[$i]=iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", $sql[$i]);
    if (!$conn->query($sql[$i])) {app_error($conn->error." ".$sql[$i]);}

function app_dbUpdate($conn,$table,$count,$fields,$values,$keyField,$keyValue) {
if ($count==0) {return 0;}
$sql="UPDATE ".$table." SET ";
for ($i=1;$i<=$count;$i++) {
  $sql=$sql.$fields[$i]."=@".(string)($i-1)." ";
  if ($i!=$count) {$sql=$sql.",";}
$sql=$sql." WHERE ".$keyField."=@".(string)($count)." ";
call_user_func_array(array($stmt,'bind_param'), $xarr);
if (!$stmt->execute()) {app_error($conn->error." ".$sql);}
return $num;

function app_dbAddNew($conn,$table,$count,$fields,$values) {
$sql="INSERT INTO ".$table."(";
for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++)
  if ($i<$count-1) {$sql=$sql.",";}
$sql=$sql.") VALUES (";
for ($i=1;$i<=$count;$i++)
  if ($i!=$count) {$sql=$sql.",";}
call_user_func_array(array($stmt,'bind_param'), $xarr);
if (!$stmt->execute()) {app_error($conn->error." ".$sql);}
return $num;

function app_dbDelete($conn,$mainTable,$keyField,$keyValue) {
$sql="DELETE FROM ".add_brackets($mainTable)." WHERE ".$keyField."=@0;";
if (!$stmt->execute()) {app_error($conn->error." ".$sql);}
return $num;

function app_getDbConnection($dbcon,$model) {
    $arr = array();
    $xdbcon = strtoupper($dbcon);
    $arr = $model;
    $txt = "";
    if (is_array($arr)) {
        $l = app_arrayLength($arr);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
            $x = $arr[$i]->connection;
            if (strtoupper($x) == $xdbcon) {
                $txt = $arr[$i];
    } else {
        $txt = $arr;
if ($txt=="") {app_error("APPML_ERR_UKNOWN_DB: ".$dbcon);}
$conn = new mysqli($dbHost,$dbUser,$dbPass,$dbName);
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
  app_error("Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error());
return $conn;

function app_getDBfield($row, $fnam, $typ) {
try {
    if (app_nullTest($x)) {$x="";}
    else {
      if ($typ == "date") {
        $x=app_formatDate($x, app_GetSQLDateFormat());}
        else {$x=(string)$x;}
catch (Exception $e){$x="";} 
return $x;

function app_dbRowcount($recset) {
return $recset->num_rows;

function app_prepSQL($sql,$count) {
for ($i=1;$i<=$count;$i++) {
return $mysql;

function app_getType($txt) {
if ($txt==252) {$ret="binary";}
if ($txt==7 || $txt==10 || $txt==11 || $txt==12 || $txt==13) {$ret="date";}
if ($txt==253 || $txt==254) {$ret="string";}
return $ret;

function app_isDate($x) {$x=true;}

function app_cDate($x) {return strtotime($x);}

// Helper Function
function _instr($start,$str1,$str2,$mode) {
if ($mode) { $str1=strtolower($str1); $str2=strtolower($str2); }
return ($retval===false) ? 0 : $retval+1;

function app_decodeJSON($txt, $bool) {
    try {
        $jsonObj = json_decode($txt, $bool);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $jsonObj = "";
    return $jsonObj;

function app_getProperty($obj, $prop) {
    if (isset($obj->$prop)) {
        return $obj->$prop;
    return "";

function app_getData($modDatabase,$modConfig,$txtModel,$modDateFormat,$sql,$keyField,
$keyValue,$keyCounter,$requestQuery,$recPos,$maxLines,$totalCounter) {
$mainTable=app_getProperty($modDatabase, "maintable");
$txtWhere=app_getProperty($modDatabase, "where");
$txtOrderby=app_getProperty($modDatabase, "orderby");
$dbConnection=app_getDbConnection(app_getProperty($modDatabase, "connection"),$modConfig->databases);
if ($keyValue!="") {
  if ($keyCounter==0) {app_error("APPML_ERR_KEYFIELD_REQ");}
  if ($mainTable=="") {app_error("APPML_ERR_MAINTABLE_REQ");}
  if ($keyValue=="NULL") {$keyValue="-1";}
  $sql=$sql . " WHERE " . add_brackets($mainTable) . "." . add_brackets($keyField) . "=@0;";
  $txtFilter=app_getProperty($txtModel, "filteritems");
  if ($cc!="") {$sql=$sql . " WHERE " . $cc;}
  if ($totalCounter==0) {
      //$dbRecordset=app_dbRead($dbConnection,$sql." LIMIT 500",$paramCount,$params);
  if ($toRec==0) {$toRec=$totalCounter;}
  if ($recPos=="-1") {
  $txtsortitems=app_getProperty($txtModel, "sortitems");
  if ($cc!="") {$sql=$sql . $cc;}
    //$sql=$sql." LIMIT ".$toRec;
if ($keyValue!="") {
while ($x=$dbRecordset->fetch_field()) {
while ($nn<$totalCounter) {
  if ($nn>=$fromRec and $nn<=$toRec) {
    for ($j=0; $j<count($row)/2; $j++) {
      if ($txt==NULL) {$txt="";}
        if (app_getType($fType[$j])=="date") {
      if ($fName[$j]==$keyField) {$cc=$fValue[$j];}
        if ($dataOut!="") {$dataOut.=",";}
    $dataOut=$dataOut . app_getRecordAsJSON($fName,$fType,$fValue,$fCount);
if ($keyValue!="") {$totalCounter=$nn;}
if ($totalCounter<$toRec) {$toRec=$totalCounter;}
if ($nn==0 or $recPos=="0") {
  $dataOut=$dataOut . app_getRecordAsJSON($fName,$fType,$fValue,$fCount);
$cc= <<<EOT
, "recPos" : $fromRec, "fromRec" : $fromRec, "toRec" : $toRec, "rowsperpage" : $maxLines, "totalRecCounter" : $totalCounter, "records" : [$dataOut]
return $cc;