int main() {
// An array storing different ages
int ages[] = {20, 22, 18, 35, 48, 26, 87, 70};
int i;
// Get the length of the array
int length = sizeof(ages) / sizeof(ages[0]);
// Create a 'lowest age' variable and assign the first array element of ages to it
int lowestAge = ages[0];
// Loop through the elements of the ages array to find the lowest age
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Check if the current age is smaller than current the 'lowest age'
if (lowestAge > ages[i]) {
// If the smaller age is found, update 'lowest age' with that element
lowestAge = ages[i];
// Output the value of the lowest age
printf("The lowest age in the array is: %d", lowestAge);
return 0;