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const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

const uri = "mongodb+srv://";
const client = new MongoClient(uri);

async function run() {
  try {
    await client.connect();
    const db = client.db('sample_mflix');
    const collection = db.collection('movies');

    // Find the first document in the collection
    const first = await collection.findOne();
  } finally {
    // Close the database connection when finished or an error occurs
    await client.close();
  _id: new ObjectId("573a1390f29313caabcd4135"),
  plot: 'Three men hammer on an anvil and pass a bottle of beer around.',
  genres: [ 'Short' ],
  runtime: 1,
  cast: [ 'Charles Kayser', 'John Ott' ],
  num_mflix_comments: 0,
  title: 'Blacksmith Scene',
  fullplot: 'A stationary camera looks at a large anvil with a blacksmith behind it and one on either side. The smith in the middle draws a heated metal rod from the fire, places it on the anvil, and all three begin a rhythmic hammering. After several blows, the metal goes back in the fire. One smith pulls out a bottle of beer, and they each take a swig. Then, out comes the glowing metal and the hammering resumes.',
  countries: [ 'USA' ],
  released: 1893-05-09T00:00:00.000Z,
  directors: [ 'William K.L. Dickson' ],
  rated: 'UNRATED',
  awards: { wins: 1, nominations: 0, text: '1 win.' },
  lastupdated: '2015-08-26 00:03:50.133000000',
  year: 1893,
  imdb: { rating: 6.2, votes: 1189, id: 5 },
  type: 'movie',
  tomatoes: {
    viewer: { rating: 3, numReviews: 184, meter: 32 },
    lastUpdated: 2015-06-28T18:34:09.000Z