Django Delete Data
Delete Records
To delete a record in a table, start by getting the record you want to delete:
>>> from members.models import Member
>>> x = Member.objects.all()[5]
will now represent the member at index 5,
which is "Jane Doe", but to make sure, let us see if that is correct:
>>> x.firstname
This should give you this result:
Now we can delete the record:
>>> x.delete()
The result will be:
(1, {'members.Member': 1})
Which tells us how many items were deleted, and from which Model.
If we look at the Member Model, we can see that 'Jane Doe' is removed from the Model:
>>> Member.objects.all().values()
<QuerySet [{'id': 1, 'firstname': 'Emil', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 2, 'firstname': 'Tobias', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 3, 'firstname': 'Linus', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 4, 'firstname': 'Lene', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 5, 'firstname': 'Stalikken', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'}]>
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