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JS Exercises

Introduction3 q
Where To3 q
Output3 q
Statements3 q
Syntax3 q
Comments3 q
Variables7 q
Let3 q
Const3 q
Operators3 q
Arithmetic Operators3 q
Assignment Operators3 q
Data Types3 q
Functions5 q
Objects4 q
Object Properties3 q
Object Methods3 q
Display Objects3 q
Object Constructors3 q
Events3 q
Strings4 q
String Methods5 q
String Search4 q
String Templates3 q
Numbers3 q
BigInt3 q
Number Methods3 q
Number Properties3 q
Arrays4 q
Array Methods3 q
Array Search3 q
Sorting Arrays3 q
Array iteration3 q
Array Const3 q
Dates3 q
Date Formats3 q
Date Get Methods3 q
Date Set Methods3 q
Math4 q
Math Random3 q
Booleans3 q
Comparisons5 q
If Else3 q
Switch3 q
For Loops3 q
For In Loops3 q
For Of Loops3 q
While Loops3 q
Break and Continue3 q
Iterables3 q
Sets3 q
Set Methods3 q
Maps3 q
Map Methods3 q
TypeOf3 q
Type Conversion3 q
Destructuring3 q
Bitwise3 q
Regular Expressions3 q
Operator Precedence3 q
Error Handling3 q
Scope3 q
Hoisting3 q
Strict Mode4 q
The this Keyword3 q
Arrow Function3 q
Classes3 q
Modules3 q
Debugging3 q
HTML DOM Methods3 q
HTML DOM Docuement3 q
HTML DOM Elements4 q
HTML DOM Form Validation3 q
HTML DOM Events3 q
HTML DOM Event Listener3 q
HTML DOM Navigation3 q
HTML DOM Nodes3 q
HTML DOM Collections3 q
HTML DOM Node List3 q

by w3schools.com

Exercise: JS Modules

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What attribute and value are required on the <script> tag when importing a module?