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C Exercises

Syntax6 q
Statements4 q
Output3 q
New Lines3 q
Comments3 q
Variables7 q
Format Specifiers7 q
Change Values5 q
Multiple Variables6 q
Variable Names4 q
Data Types6 q
Character Data Types6 q
Numeric Data Types4 q
Decimal Precision5 q
The sizeof Operator6 q
Type Conversion5 q
Constants6 q
Operators6 q
Booleans7 q
If6 q
Else6 q
Else If4 q
Short Hand If Else4 q
Switch5 q
While Loop5 q
Do While Loop5 q
For Loop5 q
Nested Loops4 q
Break and Continue5 q
Arrays5 q
Array Size3 q
Multidimensional Arrays5 q
Strings8 q
Special Characters4 q
String Functions5 q
User Input5 q
Memory Address5 q
Pointers5 q
Pointers and Arrays5 q
Functions5 q
Function Parameters4 q
Scope5 q
Function Declaration5 q
Recursion4 q
Math5 q
Create Files4 q
Write To Files4 q
Read Files5 q
Structures8 q
Enums4 q
Memory Management5 q
Allocate Memory3 q
Access Memory3 q
Reallocate Memory3 q
Deallocate Memory5 q

by w3schools.com

Exercise: C Scope

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Where can a variable with local scope be accessed?