Django QuerySet - Order By
Order By
To sort QuerySets, Django uses the order_by()
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Order the result alphabetically by firstname:
mydata = Member.objects.all().order_by('firstname').values()
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In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:
SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY firstname;
Descending Order
By default, the result is sorted ascending (the lowest value first),
to change the direction to descending (the highest value first), use the minus sign (NOT),
in front of the field name:
Order the result firstname descending:
mydata = Member.objects.all().order_by('-firstname').values()
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In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:
SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY firstname DESC;
Multiple Order Bys
To order by more than one field, separate the fieldnames with a comma in the order_by()
Order the result first by lastname ascending, then descending on id:
mydata = Member.objects.all().order_by('lastname', '-id').values()
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In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:
SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY lastname ASC, id DESC;
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