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HTML Exercises

Introduction3 q
Basic4 q
Elements3 q
Attributes5 q
Headings3 q
Paragraphs6 q
Styles7 q
Formatting6 q
Quotations5 q
Comments3 q
Colors3 q
RGB Colors3 q
Hex Colors3 q
HSL Colors3 q
CSS5 q
Links4 q
Link Colors3 q
Bookmarks3 q
Images7 q
Image Map3 q
Background Images3 q
Picture3 q
Favicon3 q
Title3 q
Tables3 q
Table Borders3 q
Table Sizes3 q
Table Headers3 q
Table Padding/Spacing3 q
Table Colspan and Rowspan3 q
Lists3 q
Unordered Lists4 q
Ordered Lists4 q
Description Lists3 q
Block and Inline3 q
Div element3 q
Classes4 q
Id3 q
Iframes5 q
Scripts5 q
Head3 q
Responsive3 q
Computercode4 q
Semantic Elements3 q
Entities3 q
Forms3 q
Form Attributes3 q
Form Elements4 q
Input Types6 q
Input Attributes5 q
Input Form Attributes3 q

by w3schools.com

Exercise: HTML Ordered Lists

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What is the correct HTML attribute to use when defining the type of the list item marker of ordered lists?