Node.js MySQL Delete
Delete Record
You can delete records from an existing table by using the "DELETE FROM" statement:
ExampleGet your own Node.js Server
Delete any record with the address "Mountain 21":
var mysql = require('mysql');
var con = mysql.createConnection({
host: "localhost",
user: "yourusername",
password: "yourpassword",
database: "mydb"
con.connect(function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
var sql = "DELETE FROM customers WHERE address = 'Mountain 21'";
con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Number of records
deleted: " + result.affectedRows);
Run example »
Notice the WHERE clause in the DELETE syntax: The WHERE clause specifies which record or records that should be deleted. If you omit the WHERE clause, all records will be deleted!
Save the code above in a file called "demo_db_delete.js" and run the file:
Run "demo_db_delete.js"
C:\Users\Your Name>node demo_db_delete.js
Which will give you this result:
Number of records deleted: 1
The Result Object
When executing a query, a result object is returned.
The result object contains information about how the query affected the table.
The result object returned from the example above looks like this:
fieldCount: 0,
affectedRows: 1,
insertId: 0,
serverStatus: 34,
warningCount: 0,
message: '',
protocol41: true,
changedRows: 0
The values of the properties can be displayed like this:
Return the number of affected rows:
Which will produce this result: