Node.js OS Module
ExampleGet your own Node.js Server
Get information about the computer's operating system:
var os = require('os');
console.log("Platform: " + os.platform());
console.log("Architecture: " + os.arch());
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Definition and Usage
The OS module provides information about the computer's operating system.
The syntax for including the OS module in your application:
var os = require('os');
OS Properties and Methods
Method | Description |
arch() | Returns the operating system CPU architecture |
constants | Returns an object containing the operating system's constants for process signals, error cotes etc. |
cpus() | Returns an array containing information about the computer's CPUs |
endianness() | Returns the endianness of the CPU |
EOL | Returns the end-of-line marker for the current operating system |
freemem() | Returns the number of free memory of the system |
hostname() | Returns the hostname of the operating system |
loadavg() | Returns an array containing the load averages, (1, 5, and 15 minutes) |
networkInterfaces() | Returns the network interfaces that has a network address |
platform() | Returns information about the operating system's platform |
release() | Returns information about the operating system's release |
tmpdir() | Returns the operating system's default directory for temporary files |
totalmem() | Returns the number of total memory of the system |
type() | Returns the name of the operating system |
uptime() | Returns the uptime of the operating system, in seconds |
userInfo() | Returns information about the current user |