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PHP Exercises

Introduction3 q
Syntax6 q
Comments3 q
Variables3 q
Variable Scope3 q
Echo and Print3 q
Data Types3 q
Strings3 q
Modify Strings3 q
Concatenate Strings3 q
Slice Strings3 q
Numbers3 q
Casting3 q
Math3 q
Constants3 q
Operators4 q
If Statement3 q
If Operators3 q
If...Else3 q
Switch2 q
Loops3 q
While Loops3 q
Do While Loops3 q
For Loops3 q
Foreach Loops3 q
Functions4 q
Arrays3 q
Indexed Arrays3 q
Associative Arrays4 q
Create Arrays3 q
Access Arrays3 q
Update Arrays3 q
Add Array Items3 q
Remove Array Items3 q
Sorting Arrays4 q
Reqular Expressions3 q
Forms3 q
Dates4 q
Includes3 q
File Handling3 q
Cookies3 q
Session Variables4 q

by w3schools.com

Exercise: PHP Foreach Loops

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what will be the output of the following code:
$colors = array('red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow');
foreach ($colors as $x) {
  if ($x == 'green') continue;
  echo $x;