PHP similar_text() Function
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Calculate the similarity between two strings and return the matching characters:
echo similar_text("Hello World","Hello Peter");
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Definition and Usage
The similar_text() function calculates the similarity between two strings.
It can also calculate the similarity of the two strings in percent.
Note: The levenshtein() function is faster than the similar_text() function. However, the similar_text() function will give you a more accurate result with less modifications needed.
Parameter Values
Parameter | Description |
string1 | Required. Specifies the first string to be compared |
string2 | Required. Specifies the second string to be compared |
percent | Optional. Specifies a variable name for storing the similarity in percent |
Technical Details
Return Value: | Returns the number of matching characters of two strings |
PHP Version: | 4+ |
More Examples
Calculate the similarity between two strings in percent:
similar_text("Hello World","Hello Peter",$percent);
echo $percent;
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