
Python Tutorial

Python HOME Python Intro Python Get Started Python Syntax Python Comments Python Variables Python Data Types Python Numbers Python Casting Python Strings Python Booleans Python Operators Python Lists Python Tuples Python Sets Python Dictionaries Python If...Else Python While Loops Python For Loops Python Functions Python Lambda Python Arrays Python Classes/Objects Python Inheritance Python Iterators Python Polymorphism Python Scope Python Modules Python Dates Python Math Python JSON Python RegEx Python PIP Python Try...Except Python User Input Python String Formatting

File Handling

Python File Handling Python Read Files Python Write/Create Files Python Delete Files

Python Modules

NumPy Tutorial Pandas Tutorial SciPy Tutorial Django Tutorial

Python Matplotlib

Matplotlib Intro Matplotlib Get Started Matplotlib Pyplot Matplotlib Plotting Matplotlib Markers Matplotlib Line Matplotlib Labels Matplotlib Grid Matplotlib Subplot Matplotlib Scatter Matplotlib Bars Matplotlib Histograms Matplotlib Pie Charts

Machine Learning

Getting Started Mean Median Mode Standard Deviation Percentile Data Distribution Normal Data Distribution Scatter Plot Linear Regression Polynomial Regression Multiple Regression Scale Train/Test Decision Tree Confusion Matrix Hierarchical Clustering Logistic Regression Grid Search Categorical Data K-means Bootstrap Aggregation Cross Validation AUC - ROC Curve K-nearest neighbors

Python MySQL

MySQL Get Started MySQL Create Database MySQL Create Table MySQL Insert MySQL Select MySQL Where MySQL Order By MySQL Delete MySQL Drop Table MySQL Update MySQL Limit MySQL Join

Python MongoDB

MongoDB Get Started MongoDB Create DB MongoDB Collection MongoDB Insert MongoDB Find MongoDB Query MongoDB Sort MongoDB Delete MongoDB Drop Collection MongoDB Update MongoDB Limit

Python Reference

Python Overview Python Built-in Functions Python String Methods Python List Methods Python Dictionary Methods Python Tuple Methods Python Set Methods Python File Methods Python Keywords Python Exceptions Python Glossary

Module Reference

Random Module Requests Module Statistics Module Math Module cMath Module

Python How To

Remove List Duplicates Reverse a String Add Two Numbers

Python Examples

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Python Glossary

This is a list of all the features explained in the Python Tutorial.

Feature Description
Indentation Indentation refers to the spaces at the beginning of a code line
Comments Comments are code lines that will not be executed
Multiline Comments How to insert comments on multiple lines
Creating Variables Variables are containers for storing data values
Variable Names How to name your variables
Assign Values to Multiple Variables How to assign values to multiple variables
Output Variables Use the print statement to output variables
String Concatenation How to combine strings
Global Variables Global variables are variables that belongs to the global scope
Built-In Data Types Python has a set of built-in data types
Getting Data Type How to get the data type of an object
Setting Data Type How to set the data type of an object
Numbers There are three numeric types in Python
Int The integer number type
Float The floating number type
Complex The complex number type
Type Conversion How to convert from one number type to another
Random Number How to create a random number
Specify a Variable Type How to specify a certain data type for a variable
String Literals How to create string literals
Assigning a String to a Variable How to assign a string value to a variable
Multiline Strings How to create a multiline string
Strings are Arrays Strings in Python are arrays of bytes representing Unicode characters
Slicing a String How to slice a string
Negative Indexing on a String How to use negative indexing when accessing a string
String Length How to get the length of a string
Check In String How to check if a string contains a specified phrase
Format String How to combine two strings
Escape Characters How to use escape characters
Boolean Values True or False
Evaluate Booleans Evaluate a value or statement and return either True or False
Return Boolean Value Functions that return a Boolean value
Operators Use operator to perform operations in Python
Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operator are used to perform common mathematical operations
Assignment Operators Assignment operators are use to assign values to variables
Comparison Operators Comparison operators are used to compare two values
Logical Operators Logical operators are used to combine conditional statements
Identity Operators Identity operators are used to see if two objects are in fact the same object
Membership Operators Membership operators are used to test is a sequence is present in an object
Bitwise Operators Bitwise operators are used to compare (binary) numbers
Lists A list is an ordered, and changeable, collection
Access List Items How to access items in a list
Change List Item How to change the value of a list item
Loop Through List Items How to loop through the items in a list
List Comprehension How use a list comprehensive
Check if List Item Exists How to check if a specified item is present in a list
List Length How to determine the length of a list
Add List Items How to add items to a list
Remove List Items How to remove list items
Copy a List How to copy a list
Join Two Lists How to join two lists
Tuple A tuple is an ordered, and unchangeable, collection
Access Tuple Items How to access items in a tuple
Change Tuple Item How to change the value of a tuple item
Loop List Items How to loop through the items in a tuple
Check if Tuple Item Exists How to check if a specified item is present in a tuple
Tuple Length How to determine the length of a tuple
Tuple With One Item How to create a tuple with only one item
Remove Tuple Items How to remove tuple items
Join Two Tuples How to join two tuples
Set A set is an unordered, and unchangeable, collection
Access Set Items How to access items in a set
Add Set Items How to add items to a set
Loop Set Items How to loop through the items in a set
Check if Set Item Exists How to check if a item exists
Set Length How to determine the length of a set
Remove Set Items How to remove set items
Join Two Sets How to join two sets
Dictionary A dictionary is an unordered, and changeable, collection
Access Dictionary Items How to access items in a dictionary
Change Dictionary Item How to change the value of a dictionary item
Loop Dictionary Items How to loop through the items in a tuple
Check if Dictionary Item Exists How to check if a specified item is present in a dictionary
Dictionary Length How to determine the length of a dictionary
Add Dictionary Item How to add an item to a dictionary
Remove Dictionary Items How to remove dictionary items
Copy Dictionary How to copy a dictionary
Nested Dictionaries A dictionary within a dictionary
If Statement How to write an if statement
If Indentation If statements in Python relies on indentation (whitespace at the beginning of a line)
Elif elif is the same as "else if" in other programming languages
Else How to write an if...else statement
Shorthand If How to write an if statement in one line
Shorthand If Else How to write an if...else statement in one line
If AND Use the and keyword to combine if statements
If OR Use the or keyword to combine if statements
If NOT Use the not keyword to reverse the condition
Nested If How to write an if statement inside an if statement
The pass Keyword in If Use the pass keyword inside empty if statements
While How to write a while loop
While Break How to break a while loop
While Continue How to stop the current iteration and continue wit the next
While Else How to use an else statement in a while loop
For How to write a for loop
Loop Through a String How to loop through a string
For Break How to break a for loop
For Continue How to stop the current iteration and continue wit the next
Looping Through a range How to loop through a range of values
For Else How to use an else statement in a for loop
Nested Loops How to write a loop inside a loop
For pass Use the pass keyword inside empty for loops
Function How to create a function in Python
Call a Function How to call a function in Python
Function Arguments How to use arguments in a function
*args To deal with an unknown number of arguments in a function, use the * symbol before the parameter name
Keyword Arguments How to use keyword arguments in a function
**kwargs To deal with an unknown number of keyword arguments in a function, use the * symbol before the parameter name
Default Parameter Value How to use a default parameter value
Passing a List as an Argument How to pass a list as an argument
Function Return Value How to return a value from a function
The pass Statement in Functions Use the pass statement in empty functions
Function Recursion Functions that can call itself is called recursive functions
Lambda Function How to create anonymous functions in Python
Why Use Lambda Functions Learn when to use a lambda function or not
Array Lists can be used as Arrays
What is an Array Arrays are variables that can hold more than one value
Access Arrays How to access array items
Array Length How to get the length of an array
Looping Array Elements How to loop through array elements
Add Array Element How to add elements from an array
Remove Array Element How to remove elements from an array
Array Methods Python has a set of Array/Lists methods
Class A class is like an object constructor
Create Class How to create a class
The Class __init__() Function The __init__() function is executed when the class is initiated
Object Methods Methods in objects are functions that belongs to the object
self The self parameter refers to the current instance of the class
Modify Object Properties How to modify properties of an object
Delete Object Properties How to modify properties of an object
Delete Object How to delete an object
Class pass Statement Use the pass statement in empty classes
Create Parent Class How to create a parent class
Create Child Class How to create a child class
Create the __init__() Function How to create the __init__() function
super Function The super() function make the child class inherit the parent class
Add Class Properties How to add a property to a class
Add Class Methods How to add a method to a class
Iterators An iterator is an object that contains a countable number of values
Iterator vs Iterable What is the difference between an iterator and an iterable
Loop Through an Iterator How to loop through the elements of an iterator
Create an Iterator How to create an iterator
StopIteration How to stop an iterator
Global Scope When does a variable belong to the global scope?
Global Keyword The global keyword makes the variable global
Create a Module How to create a module
Variables in Modules How to use variables in a module
Renaming a Module How to rename a module
Built-in Modules How to import built-in modules
Using the dir() Function List all variable names and function names in a module
Import From Module How to import only parts from a module
Datetime Module How to work with dates in Python
Date Output How to output a date
Create a Date Object How to create a date object
The strftime Method How to format a date object into a readable string
Date Format Codes The datetime module has a set of legal format codes
JSON How to work with JSON in Python
Parse JSON How to parse JSON code in Python
Convert into JSON How to convert a Python object in to JSON
Format JSON How to format JSON output with indentations and line breaks
Sort JSON How to sort JSON
RegEx Module How to import the regex module
RegEx Functions The re module has a set of functions
Metacharacters in RegEx Metacharacters are characters with a special meaning
RegEx Special Sequences A backslash followed by a a character has a special meaning
RegEx Sets A set is a set of characters inside a pair of square brackets with a special meaning
RegEx Match Object The Match Object is an object containing information about the search and the result
Install PIP How to install PIP
PIP Packages How to download and install a package with PIP
PIP Remove Package How to remove a package with PIP
Error Handling How to handle errors in Python
Handle Many Exceptions How to handle more than one exception
Try Else How to use the else keyword in a try statement
Try Finally How to use the finally keyword in a try statement
raise How to raise an exception in Python


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