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SQL Exercises

Syntax4 q
Select5 q
Select Distinct5 q
Where6 q
Order By6 q
And5 q
Or5 q
Not6 q
Insert Into4 q
Null Values7 q
Update6 q
Delete6 q
Select Top3 q
Min and Max5 q
Count4 q
Sum5 q
Avg5 q
Like9 q
Wildcards8 q
In6 q
Between8 q
Aliases5 q
Joins6 q
Inner Join5 q
Left Join3 q
Right Join3 q
Full Join3 q
Self Join3 q
Union4 q
Group By5 q
Having5 q
Exists3 q
Any, All5 q
Select Into5 q
Insert Into Select4 q
CASE Expression3 q
NULL Functions5 q
Stored Procedures6 q
Comments7 q
Operators7 q
Create Database5 q
Drop Database6 q
Backup Database5 q
Create Table5 q
Drop Table7 q
Alter Table8 q
Constraints5 q
Not Null5 q
Unique5 q
Primary Key4 q
Foreign Key5 q
Check4 q
Default4 q
Create Index5 q
Auto Increment3 q
Dates3 q
View6 q
Injection4 q
Hosting3 q
Data Types3 q

by w3schools.com

Exercise: SQL Min and Max

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What does the SQL MIN() function do?