TypeScript Special Types
TypeScript has special types that may not refer to any specific type of data.
Type: any
is a type that disables type checking and effectively allows all types to be used.
The example below does not use any
and will throw an error:
Example without any
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let u = true;
u = "string"; // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.
Math.round(u); // Error: Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
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Setting any
to the special type any
disables type checking:
Example with any
let v: any = true;
v = "string"; // no error as it can be "any" type
Math.round(v); // no error as it can be "any" type
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can be a useful way to get past errors since it disables type checking, but
TypeScript will not be able provide type safety, and tools which rely
on type data, such as auto completion, will not work. Remember, it should be avoided at "any" cost...
Type: unknown
is a similar, but safer alternative to any
TypeScript will prevent unknown
types from being used, as shown in the below example:
let w: unknown = 1;
w = "string"; // no error
w = {
runANonExistentMethod: () => {
console.log("I think therefore I am");
} as { runANonExistentMethod: () => void}
// How can we avoid the error for the code commented out below when we don't know the type?
// w.runANonExistentMethod(); // Error: Object is of type 'unknown'.
if(typeof w === 'object' && w !== null) {
(w as { runANonExistentMethod: Function }).runANonExistentMethod();
// Although we have to cast multiple times we can do a check in the if to secure our type and have a safer casting
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Compare the example above to the previous example, with any
is best used when you don't know the type of data being typed. To add a type later, you'll need to cast it.
Casting is when we use the "as" keyword to say property or variable is of the casted type.
Type: never
effectively throws an error whenever it is defined.
let x: never = true; // Error: Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'never'.
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is rarely used, especially by itself, its primary use is in advanced
Type: undefined & null
and null
are types that refer to the
JavaScript primitives undefined
and null
let y: undefined = undefined;
let z: null = null;
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These types don't have much use unless strictNullChecks
is enabled in the tsconfig.json