MS Access Replace() Function
ExampleGet your own SQL Server
Replace "i" with "a" in the string:
SELECT Replace("My name is Willy Wonka", "i", "a") AS ReplaceString;
Definition and Usage
The Replace() function replaces a substring within a string, with another substring, a specified number of times.
Replace(string1, find, replacement,
Parameter Values
Parameter | Description |
string1 | Required. The original string |
find | Required. The substring to search for in string1 |
replacement | Required. The substring to replace find in string1 |
start | Optional. The start position in string1 to begin the search. If omitted, start is 1 |
count | Optional. The number of replaces to perform. If omitted, it will replace all occurrences of find with replacement |
compare | Optional. The type of string comparison. Possible values: -1: Use the setting of Option Compare 0: Binary comparison 1: Textual comparison 2: Comparison based on info in your database |
Technical Details
Works in: | From Access 2000 |