MySQL CONCAT_WS() Function
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Add several expressions together, and add a "-" separator between them:
SELECT CONCAT_WS("-", "SQL", "Tutorial", "is", "fun!") AS ConcatenatedString;
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Definition and Usage
The CONCAT_WS() function adds two or more expressions together with a separator.
Note: Also look at the CONCAT() function.
CONCAT_WS(separator, expression1, expression2, expression3,...)
Parameter Values
Parameter | Description |
separator | Required. The separator to add between each of the expressions. If separator is NULL, this function returns NULL |
expression1, expression2, expression3, etc. |
Required. The expressions to add together. An expression with a NULL value will be skipped |
Technical Details
Works in: | From MySQL 4.0 |
More Examples
Add three columns (and add a space between them) into one "Address" column:
SELECT CONCAT_WS(" ", Address, PostalCode, City) AS Address
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