

How does routing work in Vue?

Routing in Vue is used to navigate the Vue application, and it happens on the client side (in the browser) without full page reload, which results in a faster user experience.
Routing in Vue is used to navigate the Vue application, and it happens on the client side (in the browser) without full page reload, which results in a better user experience.

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Routing in Vue is used to  the Vue application, 
and it happens on the client side (in the ) 
without full page reload, which results in a  
user experience.


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Completed 0 of 54 Exercises:

VUE Get started
VUE Directives
VUE Methods
VUE Computed
VUE Watchers
VUE Scaling up
VUE Components
VUE Slots
VUE Refs
VUE Lifecycle hooks
VUE Provide/Inject
VUE Routing
VUE Animations
VUE Build


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