Vue Directives
Vue directives are special HTML attributes with the prefix v-
that give the HTML tag extra functionality.
Vue directives connect to the Vue instance to create dynamic and reactive user interfaces.
With Vue, creating responsive pages is much easier and requires less code compared to traditional JavaScript methods.
Different Vue Directives
The different Vue directives we use in this tutorial are listed below.
Directive | Details |
v-bind |
Connects an attribute in an HTML tag to a data variable inside the Vue instance. |
v-if |
Creates HTML tags depending on a condition. Directives v-else-if and v-else are used together with the v-if directive. |
v-show |
Specifies if an HTML element should be visible or not depending on a condition. |
v-for |
Creates a list of tags based on an array in the Vue instance using a for-loop. |
v-on |
Connects an event on an HTML tag to a JavaScript expression or a Vue instance method. We can also define more specifically how our page should react to a certain event by using event-modifiers. |
v-model |
Used in HTML forms with tags like <form> , <input> and <button> . Creates a two way binding between an input element and a Vue instance data property. |
Example: The v-bind
DirectiveGet your own Vue Server
The browser finds what class to connect the <div> element to from the Vue instance.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
.pinkBG {
background-color: lightpink;
<div id="app">
<div v-bind:class="vueClass"></div>
<script src=""></script>
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
vueClass: "pinkBG"
Try it Yourself »
Note: The example above could be written much simpler without the Vue code, but be patient. The real benefits of Vue can be seen in later examples when we make pages that are responsive.
Learning Vue at W3Schools
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