Vue v-bind
You have already seen that a basic Vue setup consists of a Vue instance and that we can access it from the <div id="app">
tag with {{ }}
or the v-bind
On this page we will explain the v-bind
directive in more detail.
The v-bind
The v-bind
directive lets us bind an HTML attribute to data in the Vue instance. This makes it easy to change the attribute value dynamically.
SyntaxGet your own Vue Server
<div v-bind:[attribute]="[Vue data]"></div>
The src
attribute value of an <img>
tag is taken from the Vue instance data property 'url':
<img v-bind:src="url">
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CSS Binding
We can use the v-bind
directive to do in-line styling and modify classes dynamically. We will show you briefly how to do that in this section, and later in this tutorial, on the CSS Binding page, we will explain this in more detail.
Bind style
In-line styling with Vue is done by binding the style attribute to Vue with v-bind
As a value to the v-bind directive, we can write a JavaScript object with the CSS property and value:
The font size depends on the Vue data property 'size'.
<div v-bind:style="{ fontSize: size }">
Text example
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We can also separate the font size number value from the font size unit if we want to, like this:
The font size number value is stored the Vue data property 'size'.
<div v-bind:style="{ fontSize: size + 'px' }">
Text example
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We could also write the CSS property name with CSS syntax (kebab-case) in hyphens, but it is not recommended:
The CSS property fontSize is referred to as 'font-size'.
<div v-bind:style="{ 'font-size': size + 'px' }">
Text example
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The background color depends on the 'bgVal' data property value inside the Vue instance.
<div v-bind:style="{ backgroundColor: 'hsl('+bgVal+',80%,80%)' }">
Notice the background color on this div tag.
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The background color is set with a JavaScript conditional (ternary) expression depending on whether the 'isImportant' data property value is 'true' or 'false'.
<div v-bind:style="{ backgroundColor: isImportant ? 'lightcoral' : 'lightgray' }">
Conditional background color
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Bind class
We can use v-bind
to change the class attribute.
The value of v-bind:class
can be a variable:
The class
name is taken from the 'className' Vue data property:
<div v-bind:class="className">
The class is set with Vue
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The value of v-bind:class
can also be an object, where the class name will only take effect if it is set to 'true':
The class
attribute is assigned or not depending on if the class 'myClass' is set to 'true' or 'false':
<div v-bind:class="{ myClass: true }">
The class is set conditionally to change the background color
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When the value of v-bind:class
is an object, the class can be assigned depending on a Vue property:
The class
attribute is assigned depending on the 'isImportant' property, if it is 'true' or 'false':
<div v-bind:class="{ myClass: isImportant }">
The class is set conditionally to change the background color
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Shorthand for v-bind
The shorthand for 'v-bind:
' is simply ':
Here we just write ':
' instead of 'v-bind:
<div :class="{ impClass: isImportant }">
The class is set conditionally to change the background color
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We will continue to use v-bind:
syntax in this tutorial to avoid confusion.