UTF-8 Colored Symbols
Some early UTF-8 code pages, like Miscellaneous Symbols and Dingbats, introduced colored characters that renders as colorful Emojis in the browser.
That marked the start of code pages marked as Emojis in UTF-8.
Below is a list of the first colored Symbols and Dingbats in UTF-8.
<p style="font-size:100px">⌚</p>
<p>I will display ⌚</p>
<p>I will display ⌚</p>
Will display as:
I will display ⌚
I will display ⌚
Try it Yourself
What are Emoji?
Emoji are pictographs (symbols) that are presented in a colorful form and used inline in text. They represent things such as faces, weather, vehicles and buildings, food and drink, animals and plants, or icons that represent emotions, feelings, or activities.
Char | Dec | Hex | Name |
⌚ | 8986 | 231A | WatchTry it |
⌛ | 8987 | 231B | Hourglass doneTry it |
⏩ | 9193 | 23E9 | Fast forward buttonTry it |
⏪ | 9194 | 23EA | Fast reverse buttonTry it |
⏫ | 9195 | 23EB | Fast up buttonTry it |
⏬ | 9196 | 23EC | Fast down buttonTry it |
⏰ | 9200 | 23F0 | Alarm clockTry it |
⏳ | 9203 | 23F3 | Hourglass not doneTry it |
☔ | 9748 | 2614 | Umbrella with rain dropsTry it |
☕ | 9749 | 2615 | Hot beverageTry it |
♈ | 9800 | 2648 | AriesTry it |
♉ | 9801 | 2649 | TaurusTry it |
♊ | 9802 | 264A | GeminiTry it |
♋ | 9803 | 264B | CancerTry it |
♌ | 9804 | 264C | LeoTry it |
♍ | 9805 | 264D | VirgoTry it |
♎ | 9806 | 264E | LibraTry it |
♏ | 9807 | 264F | ScorpiusTry it |
♐ | 9808 | 2650 | SagittariusTry it |
♑ | 9809 | 2651 | CapricornTry it |
♒ | 9810 | 2652 | AquariusTry it |
♓ | 9811 | 2653 | PiscesTry it |
♿ | 9855 | 267F | Wheelchair symbolTry it |
⚡ | 9889 | 26A1 | High voltageTry it |
⚪ | 9898 | 26AA | White circleTry it |
⚫ | 9899 | 26AB | Black circleTry it |
⚽ | 9917 | 26BD | Soccer ballTry it |
⚾ | 9918 | 26BE | Baseball Try it |
⛄ | 9924 | 26C4 | Snowman without snowTry it |
⛅ | 9925 | 26C5 | Sun behind cloudTry it |
⛎ | 9934 | 26CE | OphiuchusTry it |
⛔ | 9940 | 26D4 | No entryTry it |
⛪ | 9962 | 26EA | ChurchTry it |
⛲ | 9970 | 26F2 | FountainTry it |
⛳ | 9971 | 26F3 | Flag in holeTry it |
⛵ | 9973 | 26F5 | SailboatTry it |
⛹ | 9977 | 26F9 | Man with ballTry it |
⛺ | 9978 | 26FA | TentTry it |
⛽ | 9981 | 26FD | Fuel pumpTry it |
✅ | 9989 | 2705 | Check mark buttonTry it |
✨ | 10024 | 2728 | SparklesTry it |
❌ | 10060 | 274C | Cross markTry it |
❎ | 10062 | 274E | Cross mark buttonTry it |
❓ | 10067 | 2753 | Red question markTry it |
❔ | 10068 | 2754 | White question markTry it |
❕ | 10069 | 2755 | White exclamation markTry it |
❗ | 10071 | 2757 | Red exclamation markTry it |
➕ | 10133 | 2795 | PlusTry it |
➖ | 10134 | 2796 | MinusTry it |
➗ | 10135 | 2797 | DivideTry it |
➰ | 10160 | 27B0 | Curly LoopTry it |
➿ | 10175 | 27BF | Double curly LoopTry it |
⬛ | 11035 | 2B1B | Black large squareTry it |
⬜ | 11036 | 2B1C | White large squareTry it |
⭐ | 11088 | 2B50 | StarTry it |
⭕ | 11093 | 2B55 | Hollow red circleTry it |