HTML Windows-1252 (ANSI) Reference
Windows-1252 was the first default character set in Microsoft Windows.
It was the most popular character set in Windows from 1985 to 1990.
Historically, the term "ANSI Code Pages" was used in Windows to refer to non-DOS character sets.
The intention was that these character sets would be ANSI standards like ISO-8859-1.
Even though Windows-1252 is almost identical to ISO-8859-1, it has never been an ANSI or ISO standard.
Windows-1252 and ASCII
The first part of Windows-1252 (entity numbers from 0-127) is the original ASCII character-set. It contains numbers, upper and lowercase English letters, and some special characters.
For a closer look, please study our Complete ASCII Reference.
The Windows-1252 Character Set
Character | Number | Entity Name | Description |
0 - 31 | Control characters (see below) | ||
32 | spaceTry it | ||
! | 33 | exclamation markTry it | |
" | 34 | " | quotation markTry it |
# | 35 | number signTry it | |
$ | 36 | dollar signTry it | |
% | 37 | percent signTry it | |
& | 38 | & | ampersandTry it |
' | 39 | apostropheTry it | |
( | 40 | left parenthesisTry it | |
) | 41 | right parenthesisTry it | |
* | 42 | asteriskTry it | |
+ | 43 | plus signTry it | |
, | 44 | commaTry it | |
- | 45 | hyphen-minusTry it | |
. | 46 | full stopTry it | |
/ | 47 | solidusTry it | |
0 | 48 | digit zeroTry it | |
1 | 49 | digit oneTry it | |
2 | 50 | digit twoTry it | |
3 | 51 | digit threeTry it | |
4 | 52 | digit fourTry it | |
5 | 53 | digit fiveTry it | |
6 | 54 | digit sixTry it | |
7 | 55 | digit sevenTry it | |
8 | 56 | digit eightTry it | |
9 | 57 | digit nineTry it | |
: | 58 | colonTry it | |
; | 59 | semicolonTry it | |
< | 60 | < | less-than signTry it |
= | 61 | equals signTry it | |
> | 62 | > | greater-than signTry it |
? | 63 | question markTry it | |
@ | 64 | commercial atTry it | |
A | 65 | Latin capital letter ATry it | |
B | 66 | Latin capital letter BTry it | |
C | 67 | Latin capital letter CTry it | |
D | 68 | Latin capital letter DTry it | |
E | 69 | Latin capital letter ETry it | |
F | 70 | Latin capital letter FTry it | |
G | 71 | Latin capital letter GTry it | |
H | 72 | Latin capital letter HTry it | |
I | 73 | Latin capital letter ITry it | |
J | 74 | Latin capital letter JTry it | |
K | 75 | Latin capital letter KTry it | |
L | 76 | Latin capital letter LTry it | |
M | 77 | Latin capital letter MTry it | |
N | 78 | Latin capital letter NTry it | |
O | 79 | Latin capital letter OTry it | |
P | 80 | Latin capital letter PTry it | |
Q | 81 | Latin capital letter QTry it | |
R | 82 | Latin capital letter RTry it | |
S | 83 | Latin capital letter STry it | |
T | 84 | Latin capital letter TTry it | |
U | 85 | Latin capital letter UTry it | |
V | 86 | Latin capital letter VTry it | |
W | 87 | Latin capital letter WTry it | |
X | 88 | Latin capital letter XTry it | |
Y | 89 | Latin capital letter YTry it | |
Z | 90 | Latin capital letter ZTry it | |
[ | 91 | left square bracketTry it | |
\ | 92 | reverse solidusTry it | |
] | 93 | right square bracketTry it | |
^ | 94 | circumflex accentTry it | |
_ | 95 | low lineTry it | |
` | 96 | grave accentTry it | |
a | 97 | Latin small letter aTry it | |
b | 98 | Latin small letter bTry it | |
c | 99 | Latin small letter cTry it | |
d | 100 | Latin small letter dTry it | |
e | 101 | Latin small letter eTry it | |
f | 102 | Latin small letter fTry it | |
g | 103 | Latin small letter gTry it | |
h | 104 | Latin small letter hTry it | |
i | 105 | Latin small letter iTry it | |
j | 106 | Latin small letter jTry it | |
k | 107 | Latin small letter kTry it | |
l | 108 | Latin small letter lTry it | |
m | 109 | Latin small letter mTry it | |
n | 110 | Latin small letter nTry it | |
o | 111 | Latin small letter oTry it | |
p | 112 | Latin small letter pTry it | |
q | 113 | Latin small letter qTry it | |
r | 114 | Latin small letter rTry it | |
s | 115 | Latin small letter sTry it | |
t | 116 | Latin small letter tTry it | |
u | 117 | Latin small letter uTry it | |
v | 118 | Latin small letter vTry it | |
w | 119 | Latin small letter wTry it | |
x | 120 | Latin small letter xTry it | |
y | 121 | Latin small letter yTry it | |
z | 122 | Latin small letter zTry it | |
{ | 123 | left curly bracketTry it | |
| | 124 | vertical lineTry it | |
} | 125 | right curly bracketTry it | |
~ | 126 | tildeTry it | |
127 | Control character (see below)Try it | ||
€ | 128 | € | euro signTry it |
129 | NOT USEDTry it | ||
‚ | 130 | ‚ | single low-9 quotation markTry it |
ƒ | 131 | ƒ | Latin small letter f with hookTry it |
„ | 132 | „ | double low-9 quotation markTry it |
… | 133 | … | horizontal ellipsisTry it |
† | 134 | † | daggerTry it |
‡ | 135 | ‡ | double daggerTry it |
ˆ | 136 | ˆ | modifier letter circumflex accentTry it |
‰ | 137 | ‰ | per mille signTry it |
Š | 138 | Š | Latin capital letter S with caronTry it |
‹ | 139 | ‹ | single left-pointing angle quotation markTry it |
Œ | 140 | Œ | Latin capital ligature OETry it |
141 | NOT USEDTry it | ||
Ž | 142 | Ž | Latin capital letter Z with caronTry it |
143 | NOT USEDTry it | ||
144 | NOT USEDTry it | ||
‘ | 145 | ‘ | left single quotation markTry it |
’ | 146 | ’ | right single quotation markTry it |
“ | 147 | “ | left double quotation markTry it |
” | 148 | ” | right double quotation markTry it |
• | 149 | • | bulletTry it |
– | 150 | – | en dashTry it |
— | 151 | — | em dashTry it |
˜ | 152 | ˜ | small tildeTry it |
™ | 153 | ™ | trade mark signTry it |
š | 154 | š | Latin small letter s with caronTry it |
› | 155 | › | single right-pointing angle quotation markTry it |
œ | 156 | œ | Latin small ligature oeTry it |
157 | NOT USEDTry it | ||
ž | 158 | ž | Latin small letter z with caronTry it |
Ÿ | 159 | Ÿ | Latin capital letter Y with diaeresisTry it |
160 | | no-break spaceTry it | |
¡ | 161 | ¡ | inverted exclamation markTry it |
¢ | 162 | ¢ | cent signTry it |
£ | 163 | £ | pound signTry it |
¤ | 164 | ¤ | currency signTry it |
¥ | 165 | ¥ | yen signTry it |
¦ | 166 | ¦ | broken barTry it |
§ | 167 | § | section signTry it |
¨ | 168 | ¨ | diaeresisTry it |
© | 169 | © | copyright signTry it |
ª | 170 | ª | feminine ordinal indicatorTry it |
« | 171 | « | left-pointing double angle quotation markTry it |
¬ | 172 | ¬ | not signTry it |
� | 173 | ­ | soft hyphenTry it |
® | 174 | ® | registered signTry it |
¯ | 175 | ¯ | macronTry it |
° | 176 | ° | degree signTry it |
± | 177 | ± | plus-minus signTry it |
² | 178 | ² | superscript twoTry it |
³ | 179 | ³ | superscript threeTry it |
´ | 180 | ´ | acute accentTry it |
µ | 181 | µ | micro signTry it |
¶ | 182 | ¶ | pilcrow signTry it |
· | 183 | · | middle dotTry it |
¸ | 184 | ¸ | cedillaTry it |
¹ | 185 | ¹ | superscript oneTry it |
º | 186 | º | masculine ordinal indicatorTry it |
» | 187 | » | right-pointing double angle quotation markTry it |
¼ | 188 | ¼ | vulgar fraction one quarterTry it |
½ | 189 | ½ | vulgar fraction one halfTry it |
¾ | 190 | ¾ | vulgar fraction three quartersTry it |
¿ | 191 | ¿ | inverted question markTry it |
À | 192 | À | Latin capital letter A with graveTry it |
Á | 193 | Á | Latin capital letter A with acuteTry it |
 | 194 |  | Latin capital letter A with circumflexTry it |
à | 195 | à | Latin capital letter A with tildeTry it |
Ä | 196 | Ä | Latin capital letter A with diaeresisTry it |
Å | 197 | Å | Latin capital letter A with ring aboveTry it |
Æ | 198 | Æ | Latin capital letter AETry it |
Ç | 199 | Ç | Latin capital letter C with cedillaTry it |
È | 200 | È | Latin capital letter E with graveTry it |
É | 201 | É | Latin capital letter E with acuteTry it |
Ê | 202 | Ê | Latin capital letter E with circumflexTry it |
Ë | 203 | Ë | Latin capital letter E with diaeresisTry it |
Ì | 204 | Ì | Latin capital letter I with graveTry it |
Í | 205 | Í | Latin capital letter I with acuteTry it |
Î | 206 | Î | Latin capital letter I with circumflexTry it |
Ï | 207 | Ï | Latin capital letter I with diaeresisTry it |
Ð | 208 | Ð | Latin capital letter EthTry it |
Ñ | 209 | Ñ | Latin capital letter N with tildeTry it |
Ò | 210 | Ò | Latin capital letter O with graveTry it |
Ó | 211 | Ó | Latin capital letter O with acuteTry it |
Ô | 212 | Ô | Latin capital letter O with circumflexTry it |
Õ | 213 | Õ | Latin capital letter O with tildeTry it |
Ö | 214 | Ö | Latin capital letter O with diaeresisTry it |
× | 215 | × | multiplication signTry it |
Ø | 216 | Ø | Latin capital letter O with strokeTry it |
Ù | 217 | Ù | Latin capital letter U with graveTry it |
Ú | 218 | Ú | Latin capital letter U with acuteTry it |
Û | 219 | Û | Latin capital letter U with circumflexTry it |
Ü | 220 | Ü | Latin capital letter U with diaeresisTry it |
Ý | 221 | Ý | Latin capital letter Y with acuteTry it |
Þ | 222 | Þ | Latin capital letter ThornTry it |
ß | 223 | ß | Latin small letter sharp sTry it |
à | 224 | à | Latin small letter a with graveTry it |
á | 225 | á | Latin small letter a with acuteTry it |
â | 226 | â | Latin small letter a with circumflexTry it |
ã | 227 | ã | Latin small letter a with tildeTry it |
ä | 228 | ä | Latin small letter a with diaeresisTry it |
å | 229 | å | Latin small letter a with ring aboveTry it |
æ | 230 | æ | Latin small letter aeTry it |
ç | 231 | ç | Latin small letter c with cedillaTry it |
è | 232 | è | Latin small letter e with graveTry it |
é | 233 | é | Latin small letter e with acuteTry it |
ê | 234 | ê | Latin small letter e with circumflexTry it |
ë | 235 | ë | Latin small letter e with diaeresisTry it |
ì | 236 | ì | Latin small letter i with graveTry it |
í | 237 | í | Latin small letter i with acuteTry it |
î | 238 | î | Latin small letter i with circumflexTry it |
ï | 239 | ï | Latin small letter i with diaeresisTry it |
ð | 240 | ð | Latin small letter ethTry it |
ñ | 241 | ñ | Latin small letter n with tildeTry it |
ò | 242 | ò | Latin small letter o with graveTry it |
ó | 243 | ó | Latin small letter o with acuteTry it |
ô | 244 | ô | Latin small letter o with circumflexTry it |
õ | 245 | õ | Latin small letter o with tildeTry it |
ö | 246 | ö | Latin small letter o with diaeresisTry it |
÷ | 247 | ÷ | division signTry it |
ø | 248 | ø | Latin small letter o with strokeTry it |
ù | 249 | ù | Latin small letter u with graveTry it |
ú | 250 | ú | Latin small letter u with acuteTry it |
û | 251 | û | Latin small letter u with circumflexTry it |
ü | 252 | ü | Latin small letter u with diaeresisTry it |
ý | 253 | ý | Latin small letter y with acuteTry it |
þ | 254 | þ | Latin small letter thornTry it |
ÿ | 255 | ÿ | Latin small letter y with diaeresisTry it |
Control Characters
The control characters (range 00-31, plus 127) were designed to control hardware devices.
Control characters (except horizontal tab, line feed, and carriage return) have nothing to do inside an HTML document.
Char | Number | Description |
NUL | 00 | null character |
SOH | 01 | start of header |
STX | 02 | start of text |
ETX | 03 | end of text |
EOT | 04 | end of transmission |
ENQ | 05 | enquiry |
ACK | 06 | acknowledge |
BEL | 07 | bell (ring) |
BS | 08 | backspace |
HT | 09 | horizontal tab |
LF | 10 | line feed |
VT | 11 | vertical tab |
FF | 12 | form feed |
CR | 13 | carriage return |
SO | 14 | shift out |
SI | 15 | shift in |
DLE | 16 | data link escape |
DC1 | 17 | device control 1 |
DC2 | 18 | device control 2 |
DC3 | 19 | device control 3 |
DC4 | 20 | device control 4 |
NAK | 21 | negative acknowledge |
SYN | 22 | synchronize |
ETB | 23 | end transmission block |
CAN | 24 | cancel |
EM | 25 | end of medium |
SUB | 26 | substitute |
ESC | 27 | escape |
FS | 28 | file separator |
GS | 29 | group separator |
RS | 30 | record separator |
US | 31 | unit separator |
DEL | 127 | delete (rubout) |