CSS Radial Gradients
CSS Radial Gradients
A radial gradient is defined by its center.
To create a radial gradient you must also define at least two color stops.
background-image: radial-gradient(shape size at position, start-color, ..., last-color);
By default, shape is ellipse, size is farthest-corner, and position is center.
Radial Gradient - Evenly Spaced Color Stops (this is default)
The following example shows a radial gradient with evenly spaced color stops:
Radial Gradient - Differently Spaced Color Stops
The following example shows a radial gradient with differently spaced color stops:
#grad {
background-image: radial-gradient(red 5%, yellow 15%, green 60%);
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Set Shape
The shape parameter defines the shape. It can take the value circle or ellipse. The default value is ellipse.
The following example shows a radial gradient with the shape of a circle:
Use of Different Size Keywords
The size parameter defines the size of the gradient. It can take four values:
- closest-side
- farthest-side
- closest-corner
- farthest-corner
A radial gradient with different size keywords:
#grad1 {
background-image: radial-gradient(closest-side at 60% 55%, red, yellow,
#grad2 {
background-image: radial-gradient(farthest-side at 60%
55%, red, yellow, black);
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Repeating a radial-gradient
The repeating-radial-gradient() function is used to repeat radial gradients:
A repeating radial gradient:
#grad {
repeating-radial-gradient(red, yellow 10%, green 15%);
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What is the default shape of a radial gradient in CSS?