CSS Border Color
CSS Border Color
The border-color
property is used to set the color of the four borders.
The color can be set by:
- name - specify a color name, like "red"
- HEX - specify a HEX value, like "#ff0000"
- RGB - specify a RGB value, like "rgb(255,0,0)"
- HSL - specify a HSL value, like "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"
- transparent
Note: If border-color
is not set, it inherits the color of the element.
Demonstration of the different border colors:
border-style: solid;
border-color: red;
border-style: solid;
border-color: green;
p.three {
border-style: dotted;
Specific Side Colors
The border-color
property can have from one to four values (for
the top border, right border, bottom border, and the left border).
p.one {
border-style: solid;
border-color: red green blue yellow;
/* red top, green right, blue bottom and yellow left */
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HEX Values
The color of the border can also be specified using a hexadecimal value (HEX):
RGB Values
Or by using RGB values:
HSL Values
You can also use HSL values:
You can learn more about HEX, RGB and HSL values in our CSS Colors chapters.
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p {
border-style: solid;
: ;